Lam, Zou, and Komura paper

Comments: Franck and Sashi also Manoj... Murat too
I'm sure we have all made hand puppets in which we use two fingers as legs. Lam, et al. have used this idea to map this motion to 3D models to control animation. Specifically, they use the finger-leg motions to manipulate previously-captured motion data. This can potentially turn an existing walking animation into a running, dancing, or hopping animation.
The finger motion data was captured using a P5 glove. This glove does not provide as good or as much data as our CyberGloves, but are adequate for this research, especially when considering the limitations of human fingers themselves when compared to legs.
The human body has many more degrees of motion than the fingers, which the researchers acknowledge and try to compensate for in their mapping function. The mapping function they have implemented converts the finger-leg motion into full body motion. To control things like arms, simple, common rules are used, such as the opposite movement of the arms to the legs when walking or running. As expected, this method produces unnatural animations. The researchers propose some methods of remedying this for future work.
A small experiment was described in which an animator manipulated the motion-capture data by performing walking, running, and hopping motions with the hand. A complete analysis was not presented, nor was a complete description of the users.
I think this is an interesting concept that can be expanded on. I like the fact that Lam tries to tackle the problem of key-frame, static animation by introducing the dynamic, real-time finger controlled animation. I think this method would be good for establishing timing and rhythm, but I think the animations could be more defined by physics-based calculations rather than a direct mapping of the hand to the body.
3 comments of glory:
well may be this method can be used to do the first step animation and fine tune the animation after the initial rough work.
I agree that the physics would be a factor in our walking motions. to be more realistic, factors such as physics and individual walking patterns should be implemented in the future work. also a better glove would help a lot.
This approach although limited is very novel and quite naturalistic. With the addition of more comprehensive dynamics may produce a more naturalistic result.
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